Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Somewhat rambling...but a tribute in my own way

Today at work, Ineffible had the whole Michael Jackson funeral going. It was interesting to see from time to time who was speaking and who was doing what. I do feel bad in all of this for his family, especially his kids. To lose a parent at a young age is something that I, thank god, never have had to experience. And is something I would never wish on anyone. Anyhow, it just all seems a little over done. Although, I am glad that it seems to be more of a memory of his contributions to the world as opposed to the farce or parody his life was in the later years.

I also feel even worse for Farrah Fawcett and her family. She had the misfortune of not only succumbing to cancer, but to die the same day as Michael Jackson and have what could have been all of these tributes to her memory nearly eclipsed. And I don't mean any disrespect or to tarnish the good memories people have of MJ, but it's sad that anyone should have to be so completely overshadowed in death like that.

So, even though it may be an odd way of doing it, I like to think of this as my little tribute to both Michael and Farrah. I never really knew either of them in life or had been a fanatic of their work (although, I do really, really, really love Farah in Charlie's Angels). May you both find the peace that we all deserve, but rarely find in this life.

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