Monday, August 31, 2009

One small step for man, one GIANT leap for Flamingo

A couple weeks ago I posted a question about motivation in regards to the gym and such...well, I think I'm finding it.

I was told by an acquaintance who happens to be a trainer at a gym that it takes about 21 days to develop a habit. The day I posted the above-mentioned question, I was talking to B about my concerns and lack of motivation and everything in regards to the gym. Now, if you've read the posts in regards to B, you'll see we were running and it was a mutually beneficial arrangement. At this point, B offered to help me with the gym stuff as well. Now, the running and all was great, but let's just be honest...we live in Utah. There is a limited amount of time that you can go running before the ass crack of dawn and not die from hypothermia, right? Yes, that would be correct. So, B suggested we start going to the gym on some of our mornings together, and I thought to myself "HELL YES!"

So B has now appointed himself as my own personal trainer. Maybe this is a completely wrong approach to take, but I tend to judge a trainer on his/her appearance. If they are toned and have a nice physique, I would assume they have an idea of what they are doing. I've seen several "trainers" at they gym who may have great arms, but they have a god-damned beer belly or something and inspire absolutely no confidence in their training knowledge/abilities. However, B, he has a pretty damned nice physique (and no, this is not me hitting on you...just stating a fact that we both know to be true).

So, for the past two weeks, I have made it to the gym a minimum of three times a week (the first week I did two days on my own after work). Last week would be four if you include our one day of running. For me this is HUGE! Seriously BIG, HUGE! I've just been going down to the gym with him in the mornings (at either 4 or 5 a.m.) and then heading on into work.

Now, this morning, when I called B at 5 a.m. he didn't answer (the rat bastard!). Anyhow, I was laying there calling him all sorts of name in my head (not only is it bad for me because I lose my trainer for the day, but it's bad for him since he doesn't get up). But you know what happened. Instead of rolling over and going back to sleep, I got my ass out of bed and went to the gym ALL ON MY OWN! I went to the gym and I did all of the exercises that I had planned to do with B. I worked the hell outta my chest this morning. I did my bench press, my incline bench press, my decline bench press and some tricep cable thingy! And I didn't half-ass anything. I did it with more weight and pushed myself like I never have on my own. So B, if/when you read this...THANK YOU! Even when you are not there, you are still being an amazing influence on me in this. You are a great friend to help me get this far. But don't expect to be off the hook on still working out with me other mornings. Me going to the gym either with B or on my own, that is a good habit to develop. B not answering his phone, NOT a good habit for B to develop!

1 comment:

Zeke said...

AWESOME! On Saturday, I signed up with a trainer myself, worked me out like hell so I wimped out of Yoga tonight cause I still hurt. Don't think I'll have to worry about mine sleeping in on me. Hope not, as I have to pay my trainer. A lot. I guess it's easy to get ripped off when you really want to get ripped...