I am so struggling with the motivation to go the gym this past week. I have seen a tiny bit in the way of results since I started going a few weeks ago. But still, I'm having a hard time keeping that motivation going. How do I do it? I hear a few friends talk about how going to the gym is an addiction for them. How do you get to that point where you have an addiction to healthy living, both eating, exercising and emotionally (everyone who knows me could agree I need to develop that good kind of addiction in ALL three areas there).
So how do you do it? I was told recently that it takes 21 days to develop a habit (good I'm assuming, because I've developed bad habits way faster than that). But I'm only going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week and I can't even get going on that. So, if anyone who has been successful at developing these good habits and addictions would be willing to share their secrets, I'd be an apt pupil! Oh, and just to throw it out there...I'm not looking for any just do it type shit...I can tell myself that.
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May or may not help but I will try. When I got hard and heavy into working out, proving to myself I could do it was a big factor. 30 years old, never lifted weights in my life, so finally conquering an inner demon generated a lot of motivation. But, there are other ideas I guess I could share.
1) Combine it with stuff you enjoy. If you can watch your favorite TV show while on the treadmill, or listen to your favorite music. At one point I could run 30 minutes straight if I was watching the Simpsons at the same time. The music thing I learned from my mom. Wow can Donna Summer get me moving.
2) Vary your workout. Swimming every once in a while works great for me, well it did before my elbow got messed up. Especially when I plan to soak in the hot tub after doing laps.
3) Do more than go to the gym. I really like getting out in nature sometimes, even if it's just around a local field.
4) Multitask. This actually is what probably got me going with exercise before the weight lifting thing. I love to sing, and well, the roommates didn't necessarily appreciate what I was doing, so I would go for a very, very long walk...and sing to the neighboring cows. Now, I practice spanish if I decide its "wimpy workout time." Doesn't make the flashcards any more interesting, but it's safer than doing them while I'm driving (yes, but God is I-80 west of SLC boring).
5) Keep it real. You don't always have to go full bore. On days you don't feel up to it, go for a walk instead...
6) This one...maybe a little strange...but worth a try. Make it erotic. I had Enrique Iglesias serenade me at the gym today...okay, I was just listening to him sing in spanish, but god does that hit the spot.
7) Lastly...do what you are doing right now. Talk about it with your friends. Social commitment is great.
Regarding getting addicted to it, eventually you do get to a point where you just feel like crap if you don't go to the gym. Not total crap, but defnitely not as good as when you work out. But, that does take time...and god damn it...you do just have to keep at it!
Hope that helps.
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