Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lesbians and straight men should fear me....and no, not for anything like THAT!

True story y'all! When Roommate bought the house we live in last fall or so, it originally had a fence between us and our easternly neighbors. About a month or less after moving in though, a pretty pathetic windstorm knocked down a very large section between our yards and the neighbors (who are really nice and one time stopped our house from blowing up from a gas explosion that probably and most likely would have killed Roommate since his bedroom is like right underneath the gas meter and severely injured or possibly killed me...and yes I know this is a run-on sentence but I'm tired and amped up on caffeine to keep me conscious and so this is how I am talking at the moment so just deal with it)! So yeah, wind + shitty fence = seeing the neighbors backyard 24/7.

Well, then last spring, Roommate bought a good chunk of property from the other neighbor behind us, giving us a good 40 feet or more back there, I like to refer to it as the back 40, original, isn't it... So, earlier this spring, Roommate, his brother, his mom and two of his aunt's decided to build a fence across the back 40, so that eventually, Roommate's mom could let her dog out unsupervised in the back yard. Due to travelling and not wanting to, I wasn't much involved in building that fence. But around that time, I did see these great pre-built fence panels at an amazing deal from Home Depot.

Last week, Roommate asked me if I'd help him get the panels up and the fence built before his mom got into town this week. So we spent several hours Friday and Saturday building this glorious fence. And, let me tell you...it's amazing! Instead of pouring concrete to anchor the posts, we tried these great post spike things...

You sink them into the ground about 2 1/2 feet and they seem pretty good and sturdy. I'm sure that they don't compare to concrete and all, but the helpful Home Depot dude spoke very highly of them...I think he may have needed a wet nap afterwards...

And just so ya know...and maybe it's just me and my girly arms...but a sledge hammer is seriously hard f'ing work! And I may be even more partially deaf from the gong-style ringing every time the hammer came in contact with block of wood in the post spike. And it takes just a bit of effort to pound those spikes some 2 1/2" into the ground all-the-while keeping it level in several different directions!

But we did it! And other than the final post spike not working due to breaking off the tip trying to pound it through buried concrete next to the house (and no, it wasn't the foundation, it was chunks of left over concrete that the builders just decided to randomly in the dirt).

After many hours of hard labor in the sun (which thank god it was only in the 70's on Saturday)....this is what we came up with...

So now all we need is a gate between the house and garage and Roommate's mom's dog will be contained quite nicely! Oh, and Roommate's mom was extremely surprised and happy with the results of the fence. This I know because she made a point of calling me Monday morning when she saw the fence!

And now Roommate and I are planning on going into the construction business...I think we'll call it Homo-HomeBuilders...we'll channel our inner-lesbians and wield them power tools...so beware all you lesbians and straight men!

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