Friday, January 14, 2011

What the !*&#@&%^!

Holy good god Mary! He's posting again!!!

So here it is y'all, Flamingo's first post of 2011. And so far, it's a pretty fucking amazing year!

I decided to say "fuck it" to new year's resolutions this year. This year, I told myself, instead of coming up with all of these resolutions that I NEVER follow through on, I'm just going to do things! So, starting last Monday, I decided to get my fat and lazy ass out of bed and go to the gym before work. And you know what, I fucking did it! 5 days this week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings, Flamingo was at the gym.

Luckily I still have B to help me. Granted, he basically lives in Mexico (anything south of the Salt Lake County line), and he has a bf that takes up pretty much all of his non-family time, but he has still texted me a work out for every day this week. And every morning so far I've gotten to the gym and done the entire work out. Maybe not lifted the heaviest weights, but I pushed myself and feel pretty accomplished with my week. So yeah, I'm patting myself on the back and all that great stuff!

Oh, and not to mention, in addition to my 5 mornings at the gym this week, I went to yoga with my favorite instruction, Amy, last night. And can I just say how amazing this woman is? A couple of months ago, she was hit by a truck and broke bones in both of her lower legs, AND SHE'S STILL OUT THERE TEACHING YOGA!

So yeah, this year is off to an amazing start. I've got a great family (including a new nephew who is so fucking cute I could die!)... You know what, I need to just make a list of things that are great about this year...

1. Family
2. Friends
3. Love my job
4. Co-workers I enjoy working with
5. Rock Band*
6. 5 days (and counting) at the gym
7. Yoga with Amy
8. F**kin' Perfect - P!nk (feelin' a 2011 theme song here)

*As for Rock Bank, lovin it! I bought Rock Band for Roommate for Christmas this year. And I love, love, love it! I've even taken to the singing part, and I'm not a singer, but still loving it! Our band, the Flaming Fanny Bandits is amazing! It's just hella fun and relaxing and yeah, I'm doing fairly well at it. Not ready to sing in public, but hey, at least I can do it in front of other people, which was not even an option a few months ago.

So here's to a great 2011 for Flamingo and for YOU!

1 comment:

Zeke said...

I actually went on a date once with the guy who commented on your most recent post. It was about a month after meeting you. I think he'd had a bit of a crush on me, well at least on my photos. Seemed rather ironic.

I would like you to know that I'm doing quite well these days. Well, compared to a year ago, incredibly well. There is only so much stress a human being can handle...and it is so nice to no longer be shitting diamonds.

Thanks for having inspired me to watch the entire series of battlestar galactica. At first, I wasn't all that impressed...but it definitely grew on me. I was pretty much a junkie by the end of the first season. Big Bang theory is still a way better show.

I'm sorry I threw so much out there, and I do hope you are doing well. Take care...and delete this if you need to.
