Friday, October 3, 2008

Learning is Delightful and Delicious. As, by the way, am I

So this week has been an interesting one to say the least. I've come down with another frakin' cold. I'm not very good at being a sick person. I think I whine and complain about 30 times the normal amounts that I usually do (which according to some uninformed people, is a lot). At this point, I think my brain has turned to a mushy-liquid-ish type stuff due to the amount of decongestants I've been taking just to stay alive.

I've come to the conclusion that sometimes you might want something (or someone) very much, but wishing and wanting has not as of yet changed the laws of the Universe (at least not for me).

I think I'm kind of mumbling and ranting today, again, I blame the cold meds. Well, that and the fact that it is becoming almost a daily ritual of torture to have to listen to some people in my office spout their right-wing nutso ideaology about politics and the financial mess that the country is in. People have every right to express their opinions and share their views IF PEOPLE WANT TO LISTEN!!! I don't want to listen. Yet, due to where my desk sits and the fact I have to be at work to get a bloody pay check, I am a defacto captive audience. I think this amounts to torture. No, I KNOW this amounts to torture. How does one apply for assylum from the nutsos under the Geneva Convention?

Maybe discussing politics and religion at work should just be banned. Period. End of story. Banned! Spread your indoctorination on your own time and to people who want to hear it, not those of us that are trapped by the constraints of needing a paycheck!

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