Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just wondering....

When a relationship ends and one or both parties say "but we'll still be friends" ... does that ever really work? If you were friends and it turned into a romantic relationship later on, can it turn back into "just friend"? If you weren't friends before and went straight to dating, can you be friends after the dating ends? Please, share your thoughts, tell me what you think about if that can work or not ... I really would love some insight ...

1 comment:

D W said...

It depends on the person you were in a relationship with, generally. Though it's nice to think you can still be friends, the sad truth is it rarely works out. However, that is not always the case. I know people who are great friends (and roommates) with their ex. It all depends on the type of person you are, the type of person your ex is, and the reasons for the break-up. If I were severely hurt by an ex (i.e. cheated on, lied to, etc.) you can bet your ass I probably won't be able to stay just friends. He's lucky if I don't rip his eyes out of their sockets and shove them down his throat. On the other hand, if you have a really good relationship but one of you decides to "just be friends", depending on your feelings for that person it can be equally as difficult. Once you have had romantic feelings for someone, it's very difficult to not think about those feelings whenever you see or think about your ex. And often times those feelings don't just go away. If you can get over those feelings, then yes, you can probably stay friends with an ex. But you need to decide if it's worth it. So I've kinda rambled, but those are my two cents from my experiences. But again, it all depends on the individuals involved.