Monday, November 23, 2009

Musical Mondays

As anyone who knows me, Flamingo, they can tell you how much of a fan of Mondays I am not. And this Monday in particular looked to be sucking the big one... complete with a Sunday evening dumping of this white nasty stuff in Utah we call evil white shit stuff snow. I haven't decided which is worse, the actual Monday morning, or the anticipation (but the scary unwanted kind) of it on Sunday night. Anyhow... last night, as Roommate and I were watching V (I need to blog on that topic sometimes soon). Yeah, watching V and loathing the all too soon arrival of Monday, my beloved iPhone buzzed me... I had an e-mail. And was so happy to see:

What was even better, was that even though it didn't say it in the e-mail, it told me that Shakira's new album was ready for download as well! Just in case you didn't know, I absolutely adore Shakira... she is the musical equivelant of Allison Janney in my world (just to put it into perspective for you Flamingo fans). Rihanna is also on my list of "girl" crushes. So I was pretty much was needing a towel after reading that e-mail.

So now, I'm the proud of honor of both She Wolf and Rated R. Now I haven't listened to them both fully and in depth yet... but I'm working my way through them, and so far I'm totally enamored. I'm loving Shakira's new stuff especially! Damn, I think I need another towel after just blogging about it... mmmmm!

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