Monday, September 29, 2008

And to further illustrate her lack of a point...

Here is an interview with a CNN foreign affairs just gets scarier and scarier....

NEW YORK (CNN) -- In a column appearing in Newsweek, world affairs expert and author Fareed Zakaria said he thinks it would be best for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, if Gov. Sarah Palin bowed out as his vice presidential running mate.

Zakaria says McCain did not put the country first in making his V.P. choice, and he says Palin is not qualified to lead the United States.

CNN spoke to him about his commentary titled, "Palin is ready? Please."

CNN: What did you initially think when Sarah Palin was announced as the Republican vice presidential nominee?

Zakaria: I was a bit surprised -- as I think most people were. But I was willing to give her a chance. And I thought her speech at the convention was clever and funny. But once she began answering questions about economics and foreign policy, it became clear that she has simply never thought about these subjects before and is dangerously ignorant and unprepared for the job of vice president, let alone president.

CNN: You don't think she is qualified?

Zakaria: No. Gov. Palin has been given a set of talking points by campaign advisers, simple ideological mantras that she repeats and repeats as long as she can. But if forced off those rehearsed lines, what she has to say is often, quite frankly -- nonsense. Just listen to her response to Katie Couric's question about the bailout. It's gibberish -- an emptying out of catchphrases about economics that have nothing to do with the question or the topic. It's scary to think that this person could be running the country.

Here is their exchange:

Katie Couric: Why isn't it better, Gov. Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families who are struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries; allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

Gov. Sarah Palin: That's why I say I, like every American I'm speaking with, we're ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health-care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, helping the -- it's got to be all about job creation, too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health-care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive, scary thing. But one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today, we've got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that.

CNN: But Dan Quayle wasn't very qualified and that didn't seem to matter, did it?

Zakaria: This is way beyond Dan Quayle. Quayle was a lightweight who was prone to scramble his words, or say things that sounded weird, but you almost always knew what he meant. One of his most famous miscues was to the United Negro College Fund when he said, "What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all." Now he was trying to play off a famous ad that the group used to run, "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste." And he screwed it up in a funny way. But read Gov. Palin's answers and it does appear that she doesn't have any understanding about the topic under discussion.

CNN: But she has a lot of supporters.

Zakaria: Look, I'm not saying that she is not a feisty, charismatic politician who has done some good things in Alaska. It is just we are talking about a person who should be ready to lead the United States at a moment's notice. She has never spent a day thinking about any important national or international issue, and this is a hell of a time to start.

CNN: Does it make you concerned about Sen. McCain as a president?

Zakaria: Yes, and I say this with sadness because I greatly admire John McCain, a man of intelligence, honor and enormous personal and political courage. However, for him to choose Sara Palin to be his running mate is fundamentally irresponsible. He did not put the country first with this decision. Whether it is appropriate or not, considering Sen. McCain's age most people expected to have a vice presidential candidate who would be ready to step in at a moment's notice. The actuarial odds of that happening are significant, something like a one-in-five chance.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Let's get those terror-lovin' terrorists!

Amazing, isn't it? Not only is her impersonation dead on in appearance and sound...but she has Sarah Palin's mannerisms down to a fine science. Scary thought of this woman (Sarah Palin, not Tina Fey) being just one heart-beat or three cancer cells away from the White House. At least we know if she ever was in a position and did launch the nukes, she'd only be doing it because God told her to through her direct line of communication with him.

If this worst-case secenario were to happen, and she and John McCain were to be elected, I'd say let's all go take refuge in Canada. But then again, probable not safe there. She'd just end up nuking Canada by mistake, thinking she was taking out Alaska's other foreign neighbor....the thought gives me the cold chills....

Here is a link to the transcript of part of the real Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric...

Friday, September 26, 2008

You are cordially invited...

"Répondez s'il vous plaît", a French phrase that translates to "reply, please." or literally "respond, if you please". It is with this meaning that invitation cards and similar documents are often marked with "R.S.V.P." It is standard practice to reply to an RSVP request whether confirming attendance or declining.

For many, many, many years, eons possibly, it was the norm to reply to an invitation as to whether you would be attending the function. Now, maybe I'm just a bit obsessive about it (okay, most likely it's me being obsessive), but there is a reason, a very, very, very good reason behind it.

I'm a planner for the most part. Dinners, parties, trips, etc...they require planning. At least for me they do. I don't want to run out of food, drinks, or end up stranded in some foreign place because I didn't know how many were coming or where I was going or wtf was going on...come one people!

So, come to think of it...I think we can directly correlate the decline in people responding to R.S.V.P.s to the "so-called" decline in society. Yup, that's it...stop responding to invitations and the whole damn world falls apart....

Yoga...part 3

Congratulate me! Pat me on the back! Give me a hand! etc....

I'm keeping up with my goal of yoga two times a far. I started last Thursday, made it to class on Monday, and then to class again last night (Thursday).

Although, I'm not sure how great I was last night. Amy, the instructor, said she thought I did really well. I disagree though. The big problem was damn sinus totally threw off my balance. And for some reason, being upside-down seemed to just aggrivate the pressure in my skull. And yoga seems to involve a lot of being upside-down. (See down-facing dog for example...) But it definately killed my already precarious balance. Falling over in class is embarassing...especially when it makes a HUGE loud crashing noise that echos off of the wooden floor and mirrored walls. Mirrored walls, by the way, make it so that no matter where you are in the room, absolutely everyone can see you when you flub-up and fall on your face or your ass.

But, I still made it, so yay for me and the little bit of motivation I've found in my life.

For those of you who are concerned and wondering how Chuck and Ed are doing, they are settling into their new home on my desk rather well. Chuck still looks a bit harried. Kind of has a "ridden hard and put away wet" look to him at times. But the fact that he keeps trying to eat ED, I think that's a good sign that he's settling in and not letting Ed bully him around too much. I think Ed may have gone crazy yesterday though. He was literally bouncing off of the walls of their little aquarium. Maybe it's not crazy so much as brain damage at this point, but who knows...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome Chuck and Ed!

I should have my debit card taken away and hidden for time and all eternity. Yes, that's right, time and all eternity. On a whim today, a co-worker, Nikole, and I took our lunch break to the Aquarium store. Beta fish we thought. Cute, relaxing, trendy...yeah, all of that.

And holy hell...if you haven't been to this particular fish store, you should go! Gallons and gallons of fish, frog, and all sorts of sea-life filled water. They even have a huge pile of rocks outside that has some how miraculously become an amazing two-sided waterfall and pond. You can tell they are in a conservative part of Utah though. The mermaid statue in the middle of the pond has her breasts modestly covered Ariel-style with two sea shells (yeah...gotta cover the girls up ...big eye roll)

So, anyhow, Nikole and I strolled through the fish store looking for our beta fish. Not only did we find our fish, but they even had frillier than normal fins! Oh, and they had these really cool, cute, adorable, whatever you want to call it little beta tank kits. Comes with food, little rocks for the middle of the tank, and the water-fixing stuff too. So, we've got our fish and our beta kits to keep 'em alive. Guess what else Nikole suggests...go ahead, never I'll tell you. FROGS!!! Yup, not only did we adopt fish, but we each got a frog to keep our fish company.

So now I'm obsessed. It's Chuck and Ed this, Chuck and Ed that. I need a life really bad. Oh, if you're wondering, Chuck is the fish, Ed is the frog. Btw, Chuck is having a really stressful day. I can just tell. He jumps at every sound, and every movement around him. I think Ed may be a bit of a bully too. He's been chasing him around the tank all day...poor Chuck...maybe he needs to go to yoga too for stress relief???

Monday, September 22, 2008

Not quite there yet....

Holy hell!!! This is so what I aspire to in my yoga practice. First off, to be that damn flexible. Second, to get in the habit of a daily yoga practice all on my own!!!

But, I did make it to yoga again tonight. That's twice since last bully for me...yay!!! Oh, and tonight, Sylvia kicked my f'in ass!!! It was amazing. I have so far to go though, but at least I went and started in the right direction!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oh...the possiblities.... friend Chanda, FINALLY got me off my lazy ass and to go to yoga again last night. It has been months since I've gone, and not for a lack of trying on Chanda's part to get me there. But a series of injuries (particularly a frisbee-broken elbow) and vast amounts of laziness have kept me from going. But last night I made it.

I usually dread going to yoga, but then end up loving the feeling after class. Last night was very much in that vain of things. I kept hoping I'd get a call saying he wasn't going so I wouldn't have to go. But I didn't, so I headed on over and made it to my first class in months!

And it was AMAZING!!! The instructor, Amy, she's great. Very positive and encouraging throughout the whole class. One thing I've noticed with her and another of the instructors I really liked (who I hear is no longer teaching classes there) really focus on doing as much as you can. Do the pose the best that you can. Not worrying about being picture perfect or anything like that. Just push yourself and try to be a little better than last time.

I think this is what I need. I remember now why I loved going so much. The feeling after class, the feeling the next day at work. Yeah, I'm usually sore and tired afterwards. But I always feel sooo GOOD! I feel like I can deal with life and it's stresses and problems so much better.

Granted, during class, I feel like an uncoordinated jackass. Fell on my face once many months ago trying to do the crow pose...literally fell on my joke. But a few weeks after that experience, I actually got into the crow pose and balanced and did it and everything!!! God, that was an exhilarating experience.

Now I just need to keep up with it. Need to remember the way it feels after class. Need to keep my lazy ass from getting fatter, take better care of myself. Make it the gym a few times a week, make it to yoga a few times a week. I'm seeing a very bright light at the end of the recent tunnel I've been in. Let's just all hope it's not the freight train from hell barreling towards me at the speed of light ;-)

And yet still nothing new to say...

But I really like this series from (I'll add the 6th one later). It caries on with my as-of-late "Zombie" theme...

And here's part #6...YAY!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Still not much to say...

So here's another funny (or two) that make me laugh....enjoy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Something is better than nothing....I guess....

It's been a couple of weeks since I've entered anything here. I've started a couple of times and just not been able to finish really. Things have been happening in my life, but nothing that has really inspired me like I wish it could.

I would love to write witty and poignant things about how I feel about the state of the world. About my utter loathing at the idea of "Sarah the Barracuda" as VP. About the drama and disaster that is my family as of late. But alas, nothing really comes of it when I start writing about these things.

I was told the other day that my energy was blocked. Something about my heart chakra being closed off. There is something there, some sadness that is just shutting everything down. And if I really think about it, I can tell you exactly what it is, but I probably won't. I'm not really saying this to get sympathy or anything. And I don't want to worry anyone. I am really okay, or will be eventually. There are just things that are weighing on me that it is going to take me time to work through. Things I miss. People I miss.

Maybe this is what I needed to start on that road to getting past it all, just to admit to myself something was wrong, and put it out there for other people to read. And if you do read it, I'm sorry for being such an utter and complete bitch as of late. Too often, when I don't know how to deal or ask for help, I lash out and go into a defensive mode. So, again, I'm sorry, that's not the person I want to be.