Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Do dogs ever go hoarse???

Good hell!!! Why is it that the neighbor's dog won't shut the hell up...EVER??? I like to think working in the flower beds or my garden around the house is a very nice and relaxing venture...But, when two of the neighbor's three dogs (collies I think) will not for even the love of pirate-ninja jesus stop barking...what's a man to do?

Now just stop right matter how obnoxious they get, no matter how frayed my nerves are...I don't do anything that may have just popped into your frakin' head! Now just sit your ass back and I'll tell you exactly what I do...absolutely nothing!!! I just go about my weeding or mowing or whatnot and try to ignore the incesent barking. I resist all temptation to yell obscenities, throw objects or just anything in general that may further encourage these hell hounds to bay. Thank god for an iPod.

Now, to be completely honest, of the three dogs, there is one that I do on occasion engage. She (I think it's a she...I've never really checked though) is the mellow, non-barker of the pack. She is sweet and seems to want nothing more than a nice pat on the head. The extent of my interaction with her is the occasion scratching under the chin when she jams her face through the fence. It's one of those fences that has the bigger wire squares...seems to work great for the neighbors grape vines that are now covering the back third of the fence, so, she gets a good deal of her muzzle through the fence. Whereas the ring-leader does nothing but bark, and the follower joins in, the third dog, she just whimpers for attention. So her, her I like. The other two...well, I'd just rather they didn't sit there and bark while I'm in my own back yard, just trying to relax in my garden.

And now all of this, all of this brings me back to my topic, why can't a dog go hoarse dammit, why???

1 comment:

Iknowaboutpopular said...

I'm really good at making "accidents" happen.... call me.