Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cumpleaños felices a mí!!!

Well, it was XX years ago that I popped outta the maternal maturation chamber. It's been an interesting ride to get to where I am for sure. Ups, downs, highs, lows, mountains, valleys.... call 'em whatcha want... but here I am.

So, I just definitely gotta say, Zombie Queen, Roommate, Princess, Nugget and a couple of others, thank you for turning not the greatest day into one of the best birthday's I can recall! I may not have everything I want in the life, but god damn! I have some fucking amazing friends in my life! I have an incredible family that I love (even if they drive me insane at times).

And to top it all off, I got a fucking 176 bowling tonight after yummy Cheesecake Factory! Again, to those friends who helped make this a great day.... THANK YOU!!! I <3 you all so very much!

1 comment:

Zeke said...

Damn...that looks way too much like my last birthday cake...

Glad you had a good day. Hope you have many more:)