Week 1 (May 25-31)
This was my glorious week off of work. A whole damn week! Actually, longer than a week, because I took Friday, the 22nd off too! I didn't go anywhere, but I don't think I've ever been so damned productive in my life in any non-working one week period. What did I do you ask? Well, sit back dear reader, pour yourself a drink and read on. Ha! Hell, at least I make myself laugh, that's worth something, right?
You can look at the pictures of my previous post and see a good deal of what kept me so busy this particular week. Yes, my garden! I'm a freak about my garden, or is it just that I'm a freak in general...hmmm
I had already planted to plants previously...but this week off I cleared a bit more of the weeds that had completely overrun the garden area (this was done by the previous owner of the back 40 (the huge plot of back yard/garden area that Roommate bought from the neighbor behind us). But this week, I re-organized the spacing of some of the plants. Made sure to get all of the tomato cages in place and took out the stupid cinder block stepping stones that are/were a temporary path through the garden so no one steps on my damned plants! (I do admit...there are still a couple of cinder block stepping stones because Home Depot didn't have enough of the flag stones we needed to finish up the path). Roommate and I also spent a shitload of time trying to fix the sprinklers so that the grass and more importantly, my garden and flowers, don't die while I'm away for work (Roommate will be gone for like a week and half of the week I'll be gone, but honestly, he'd probably forget to water them and they'd die even if he was there).
My other big deal of this week was a trip to Ikea. I had a bookcase in my room that I just wasn't feeling anymore. So, I went to Ikea to get some shelves...and these are the ones I fell in love with and bought, stained and hung! God damn I'm good! I also fell in love with this little table to use as bedside tables. They are very simple, no drawers or anything...but still...I bought two of them, but then was only able to fit one next to my bed...oh well, at least I got one of them in place!
And then, since my shelves and table were a black/brown color, I decided I needed to stain my big ass entertainment center/amour/TV cabinet thing black/brown as well. That was like 12 projects rolled into one. It's is a large piece of furniture! Big! Huge! Roommate and I had to empty it (and I found out I'd been storing a lot of stuff in it), and then move it out into the back yard. No easy feat, but we succeeded. And thank you Roommate for helping move that even though you were on or very near your death bed!
But after getting it moved and all that, I stained it with like 12 coats to get it the black/brown color I wanted. Now granted, the shelves are black, but seem to have an interesting highlight color, the tables are black with a brown undertone...and the big ass entertainment center/amour/TV cabinet has it's own black/brown color...so they are all a little different, but similar enough to look amazing (yeah, I'll admit it, I stroke my own ego at times). Now, if the big ass entertainment center/amour/TV cabinet would just dry! It's been in the garage for over a week and a half and feels dry, but if you run your hand down it...it comes off black...I think it's all the humidity and rain we've been having stopping it from curing.
My next addition/want for my new black/brown color scheme for my room is this desk from Target. Little by little, I'm getting there!
So...that was week one, week two coming soon!
You really are a Martha Stuart of all trades.... simply amazing!!!!
Except I won't devour your soul
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