So here it is, March 26, 2009...6 days after the official start of spring. And where is spring you ask? My answer, who the hell knows?!?
The picture is the same tulips from my "Things that make me smile" list from a couple of days ago. Look at the poor little things, all covered in snow. On Sunday, the tulips were all open and star-shaped...and now, they're all back into a tight little bud, probably freezing their little tulip-y testicles and ovaries off! So...Mother Nature, Old Man Winter...please, get your shit together! And do it now...it needs to be warm (like 70 degrees last Saturday). And let's not have the usual Utah bull-shit of months of winter, a week of spring and then just jump into a ball-bustin' summer. Okay? I really don't think that's too much to ask. Let's just have a nice leisurly beautiful spring for like 3 or 4 months.
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