It's official, I'm older than I have ever been in my whole entire life! Well, this life for sure, anyhow. Not to get all philosophical or religious, but I have no idea where we come from or if we've been here before or whatnot. But that totally was just a tangent that escaped my head and travelled down my fingers to plan itself firmly on this blog.
Back to the point though, it's my birthday. I sort of took a page out of Ineffable's book, I'm having a whole birthday week. She had a month (and still is having), but I figured I'd start small and then move on to the grandeur of a whole month next time or something.
It started with lunch/dinner thing on Saturday with my mom, cousin and my little one. Also included shopping for a couple new pairs of shoes from mom and jr. God help me, but I love 'em...yup I love my family even if they make me crazy a good portion of the time (oh, and I love the new shoes too). And then, we watched Ghostbusters. I hadn't seen that movie in years. And you know what, twenty something years later, I still love it! "Ray, if someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!"
Sunday, my roommate and I had friends over for dinner, cake and drinks. It was a fabulous time. I love my friends, in fact, most of them are all but family in my eyes! And let me tell you, Jose Cuervo, yeah, he was a friend of mine on Sunday!!! Loved every single minute of it. Even the crazy, frantic, pull-my-hair-out minutes of trying to rush to get everything ready for people to show up. I thought since it was a Sunday, we'd better start earlier to drink and such, so I said 4:00 p.m. on the invite. But true to form, most people showed up late. Which was good since I wasn't ready. Then, margarita in hand, I decided to grill the burgers. Oh lord, was that a riot. P and I, yeah, we had a blast. My eyebrows should grow back soon, I hope. There was a frakin' bonfire! Loved it! Just surprised we didn't burn down the new house (yeah, moved into D's new house he just bought on Thursday and had a party on Sunday...crazy!)
Then onto Monday, some co-workers took me out to lunch to Pei Wei. God that is some good food. And it was all the better for the eye candy Ineffable and I ogled for a good ten minutes.
So now here it is Tuesday, the actual anniversary of my popping outta the womb. My life may have ups and downs, more downs than I really care for, but all-in-all, I love my life, dammit, I love it!!!