Anyone who has been reading my blog for awhile may have picked up on my affinity for zombies. Yeah, it's weird and I have no explination for it...but it deal with it. I came across this story and nearly fell out of my seat laughing. I absolutely loved it!
Yeah, it's a crime, they shouldn't have done it, blah, blah, blah! Aside from the public safety issues, we could all use a good laugh. And I don't know about you...but I found this pretty f'ing funny!
buy it here!
p.s. here are my recommendations for a couple of really good zombie movies:
1. Shaun of the Dead
2. Fido
3. Dawn of the Dead (2004 version)
...I guess I'm more a fan of the funny zombies really
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Run for your lives! The end is near!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Oh good grief!
I give up. I was not meant to be a keeper of amphibians. Jean-Paul, yeah, the back up...well, found him floating dead in the tank today. Somehow, I've managed to keep Chuck alive for going on 5 months now, but I've also killed 3 frogs in that time frame. So I'll be sticking to fish from now on.
I kind of wondered about Jean-Paul yesterday, he spent the better portion of the day repeated slamming his head into the wall of the fish tank. So, at this point, I don't know if he was sick and that caused the head banging. Or if he died from obvious and extensive brain damage caused by the head banging. And I'll be damned if I'm performing any type of autopsy on him. So, guess I'll just "bury" him and let him rest in peace with Ed and Francois.
I kind of wondered about Jean-Paul yesterday, he spent the better portion of the day repeated slamming his head into the wall of the fish tank. So, at this point, I don't know if he was sick and that caused the head banging. Or if he died from obvious and extensive brain damage caused by the head banging. And I'll be damned if I'm performing any type of autopsy on him. So, guess I'll just "bury" him and let him rest in peace with Ed and Francois.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Things that make me smile...
January 27, 2009 Edition
1. a softer world
2. P!nk's new song and video "Sober" ... hell ... her whole new album
1. a softer world
2. P!nk's new song and video "Sober" ... hell ... her whole new album
3. Chuck and Jean-Paul
4. Cat and Girl
5. Dooce
6. C.J. Cregg and the whole West Wing
7. Battlestar Galactica
8. The L Word lesbians
9. Star Wars: The Force Unleased on the PS3
10. Jeremiah
11. Stupid people that don't directly affect me....
12. Anna Farris in "The House Bunny"
Things that make me smile
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Pangs of a Monday
So...following in the footsteps of a friend and fellow blogger, Ineffable, I've decided to start a weekly "Feature" if you will. Now, no guarantees it'll get done every Monday, but, by God, I'm gonna try!
Now, I thought about it and as I was driving to work, I thought I'd use this time and this space to air my grievences and/or pet-peeves of the week. I struggles with what to call this a bit...and well, the Pangs of a Monday is what I settled on.
So, what's my gripe today you may be wondering. Well, let me just tell you. Today was the trifecta of a bitch of a Monday. First off, it was a Monday...Satan's day if there ever was meant to be one. Second, every Monday seems to have a morning at the front of the train wreck. And third, there was snow left over from Sunday...
But what is my gripe in all of this? Well, since mankind has repeatedly failed me by not coming up with some way to control the weather, or at least keep snow off the sidewalks, driveways and most importantly....roads...I'm going to bitch about something that we as people can, and should do.
When it snows, brush the god-damned, mother f'ing snow off your car. Seriously people, I know it's cold, I know it's wet and I KNOW it sucks. But come one now. You lazy assed pansies who can't take that extra minute out of your life and get the snow off your car before you go trucking down the road. I saw this little black Audi today...a good three or four inches of snow on every horizontal or semi-horizontal surface of the car. I think the idiot driver managed to clear off a 10 inch square off the windshield before barreling down the freeway. So, anyone driving behind this person, was treated to their own little mini blizzard of snow blowing off of the Audi at 60 miles per hour (well, it was in a construction zone after all). So there's my complaint for the day...clean off your god-damned car before you drive it! Amen...
Pangs of a Monday
Terry Tate: Office Line Backer....
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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Does High School really ever end?
I read an interesting article on MSN today (you can read it here) So, now I find myself looking around at co-workers and friends (both in and out of work), and I wonder to myself, who falls into which category/label from high school. Now really, who would be the home coming queen? Your thoughts?
R.I.P. Francois
Yeah, I know...I somehow managed to kill another one. Poor little guy, apparently he didn't stand a chance living in a tank I own/maintain. So now, Francois will join Ed in that giant toilet bowl in the sky...or sewer, whichever it is.
Chuck and Jean-Paul seem to be taking it well. Doesn't look like either of them have started eating Francois as of when I fished him out of the tank. That's probably good, not sure I could deal with a half-eaten frog body.
And yeah, this is why I bought two frogs last I'd have a back up just in case this happened.
Chuck and Jean-Paul seem to be taking it well. Doesn't look like either of them have started eating Francois as of when I fished him out of the tank. That's probably good, not sure I could deal with a half-eaten frog body.
And yeah, this is why I bought two frogs last I'd have a back up just in case this happened.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Dear Mr. President....
So here we are...inauguration day 2009. Welcome President Obama! Now was it just me, or did the whole atmosphere of the world just become lighter? Perhaps from the collective sigh of relief we all just breathed?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I am SO over this whole concept of snow and winter!
I read on KSL's website today that cities in Utah have pretty much burned through their snow removal and salt budgets for the year (read about it here).
Now trust me when I say I am NOT, in anyway, shape or form, a fan of the snow. I bitch and moan about it a lot. I despise the snow. It's cold, wet, messy, and most of all, it's a god-damn safety hazard! But you know what, I live in Utah, and unfortunately, moving to a tropical location really isn't in the cards for me. So I deal with it. Even I, who is far from the most financial and logically minded human, know enough to know that you've got to plan for the snow in Utah. Yet, all of these cities are talking about their snow removal budgets being spent. Yeah, I know we're in an economic down turn and cities are having to cut back on spending and all. But, isn't public safety and me (and other people too) not dying on the roads because they weren't plowed or salted/sanded kind of a necessity? It's not like this is the first year it's ever snowed and we were caught off guard, is it? Just a thought...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Oh dear god! Here we go again....
Does this happen anywhere else outside of Myanmar?
Here in our lovely State of Deseret, also known as Utah, the newly elected Senate Preseident Michael Waddoups has expressed his desire to, once again, change Utah's liquor laws...and not for the better (you can read about it here).
His brilliant idea is to move the bars in restaurants from where they are now (behind a glass or other type of partition) and put them into a backroom. Now, you may ask what did I. So that people (children in particular) will not be exposed to the evils of seeing an alcoholic drink mixed. Which is good, because when I was a youngling, some hundred or so years ago, I saw this very thing done right in front of me. Yup, I saw someone mix a drink. And you know what I said to myself? I said, by god, flamingo, I need to get me one of them there drinks!
Now seriously, WTF?!? How many people out there have become raging alcoholics because they saw a drink mixed in front of them? I want to see studies and the cold hard facts on this. Or, did Mr. Waddoups just pull this idea straight out of his uptight, morally superior ass?
When did we become a society where no one takes responsibility for themselves or teaching their children? Just because YOU (Michael Waddoups and the majority of self-righteous the Utah State Legislature) find something to be against YOUR personal beliefs, why do the rest of us need to adhere to that? I have no problem with someone who chooses not to drink. Some of my best friends (one of which who so did not grow up in the State of Utah under an oppressive Mormon influence) chooses not to drink. But that is his personal choice, and he doesn't try to enforce his non-drinking stance on anyone else or lord over them with a smug moral superiority.
I grew up with both of my parents as well other family members having alcohol in the house. I never had the desire to drink just because I saw that there. They taught me well enough to know that it wasn't something I was going to do at the time. If you don't drink and you're at a restaurant and you see someone drinking or a drink being mixed, how hard is to to simple explain to your child that "while we don't drink, or don't believe you should, people have the right and the option to CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF whether to drink or not."
If you choose, as a legal adult, to drink or a multitude of other things that the Mormon majority CHOOSE not to do, that does not make you less. That does not make you a bad person. Sin, virtue, hell, even RELIGION for that matter is subjective to the day and age you live in, where you live, how you grow up, and ultimately, what you CHOOSE! You make your personal, not hurting anybody else, legal-as-of-this-moment that should-be-left-up-to-an-individual lifestyle choices, I'll make mine and we can just leave each other alone and not try to reign morally about that for a law?
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