As you may or may not have's been neigh on a month now since I have added to this, my blog. I'd like to say there was a profound reason...but mostly just laziness and lack of motivation...not for a lack of stuff to blog about, just a total lack of to all y'all, I profoundly apologize.'s a brief synopsis of the past month...
I flew out to Corpus Chrisi, Texas for work on Saturday, November 1st. When my ride to the airport came and picked me up...she inadvertantly backed into someone's Hummer parked across the street. Now, that in and of itself was bad enough. But the reaction of the owner was pretty off the chart. Now..this little hatchback bumped into the tire of this monster SUV. No damage whatsoever...but the owner completely flew off the handle. So, after getting out of their, we hit a bitch of a traffic jam on the freeway. Needless to say, I barely made it to the airport in time to meet up with Ineffiably to grab a bite at the BK and then get on the plane.
I then spent the next week or so working 16 hour days...holy hell...I thought I was going to die. Thank god I had Ineffably to keep me entertained with adventures in the cobalt. And apparently, every order of chicken strips comes with gravy in Texas. We found this out when we didn't answer the girl at Jack in the Box's question fast enough and she repeated her question of "Would you like GRAVY with that?!?" in tones akin to the engines of a Boeing 747 at take off.
Birds in Corpus Christi are pretty much creepy and unnatural to say the least. Watching out of the window where we were working, we saw a flock of birds pretty much kick the shit out of some poor unfortunate squirrel.
I did get to see some really cool things down there. Like the Saturday night we went out to the bar and saw 20 or so marines in full dress uniform....I loves me a man (or men) in uniform! Also, got the chance to tour the U.S.S. Lexington. It's a WWII era aircraft carrier permantly docked in Corpus and had been turned into a museum. Also, the SciFi channel show "Ghost Hunters" filmed an episode on there. Pretty cool if you as me, I love that paranormal stuff. Dunno if there is anything really out there...but I'm not doubting it to be sure. The infermary still smelled like an old gross hospital too.
But I've been back in good ol' Salt Lake City for a little over a week now. I love the travelling, but it's rough being gone for so long. There were a lot of people and things (people mostly) that I missed here.
I think today, I'm going to go and buy a new frog. Chuck is looking pretty lonely there all by himself. I'll keep you updated...